Cybersecurity Services

In today’s digital age, businesses and organizations rely heavily on technology to manage their operations. As a result, they face an increasing number of cyber threats that can result in data breaches, financial losses and reputational damage. This is where cyber services come into play, providing businesses with the tools and expertise needed to protect […]

Cybersecurity Consulting

In today’s digital age, businesses rely heavily on technology and data to function effectively. However, with the increase in cyber threats and attacks, it is essential for businesses to ensure that their online activity and data are protected. This is where cyber consulting comes into play. Consulting in the cyber field includes a team of […]

Computing Services

In today’s digital age, computing services have become an essential component for businesses of all sizes. These services are necessary for companies to manage and process data efficiently, communicate with customers and employees and remain competitive in an increasingly digital market. Types of computing services There are different types of computing services available, each with […]

company specializes in the cyber field

The risks of cyber attacks and how to prevent them The company specializes in the cyber field and works with a wide variety of successful companies and organizations from all over the world. Our customers make use of our information security solutions and enjoy comprehensive security and protection against hostile elements. Cyber security is basically […]

communication network

Is the communication network in your company outdated? It’s time toswitch to new technology! The communication network in every office is the basis for the day-to-daywork of the company’s employees and managers, where through theoffice’s communication network it is possible to manage information anddata relevant to the company’s activities. In order for your communicationnetwork in […]

advanced cloud services

The advantages of using advanced cloud servicesComputer and information systems managed through cloud backupprovide protection against computer problems, computer failures and dataloss. Even in the case of a cyber attack, using the advanced cloudservices also allows you to recover information from any moment within afew seconds without waiting. Beyond that, using the virtual server allowsemployees […]

Web Intelligence

Harnessing the Power of Web Intelligence: Empowering Decision-Making in the Digital Age Introduction In the digital era, the web has transformed into a vast ocean of information,with billions of websites, social media platforms, online forums, and otheronline sources generating an overwhelming amount of data. To makesense of this vast landscape, businesses and organizations are turning […]

The National Cyber Security Framework

The National Cyber Security Framework (NCSF) is a standard in Israelthat provides a framework for organizations to manage and protect againstcyber threats. The standard is based on the international standardISO/IEC 27001 and is designed to help organizations establish,implement, maintain, and continually improve their information securitymanagement systems (ISMS).The NCSF includes guidelines and best practices for: Risk […]

The Information Security Standards for the Capital Market

The Information Security Standards for the Capital Market (ISSCM) is astandard in Israel that provides guidelines for organizations in the capitalmarket to manage and protect against cyber threats. This standard isintended to help organizations in the capital market to protect sensitiveinformation and comply with relevant regulations and laws.The ISSCM includes guidelines and best practices for: […]

The Information Security Standards for Securities

The Information Security Standards for Securities (ISSS) is a standard inIsrael that provides guidelines for organizations that issue or tradesecurities to manage and protect against cyber threats. This standard isintended to help organizations in the securities market to protect sensitiveinformation and comply with relevant regulations and laws.The ISSS includes guidelines and best practices for: Risk […]

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